Saturday, May 30, 2020

What tobacco does to your body? World No Tobacco Day! How to stay away from addictive tobacco?

What tobacco does to your body?

How to stay away from the addictive tobacco?

May 31 


           How to quit smoking

 Reasons why you should quit tobacco TODAY!

Before proceeding further, I would like to clarify that it is not just tobacco consumption in the form of smoking, that I am talking about. Make no mistake it is 'World No TOBACCO Day!'

Consumption of tobacco in any form is just as lethal as any other.

  1. Cigarette
  2. Beedi
  3. Cigar
  4. Hookah
  5. Sheesha
  6. Tobacco chewing
  7. Kreteks
  8. Snuffing
  9. Khainee
  10. E-Cigarettes (the latest killer!)


Tobacco is addictive:

      Effects of tobacco

 Tobacco contains Nicotine which is the prime addictive chemical. Nicotine increases the chemical 'dopamine' that makes you believe that you're happy and relaxed. But this is ONLY an illusion. 
In reality, you become addict and simply find it irresistible. As you continue, you bring your doom closer and closer.

According to information on Wikipedia, five million deaths occur due to smoking every year.


Tobacco is expensive and kills your dreams: 

Why should you quit tobacco?

Tobacco is expensive. Not just literally, but think about it. You spend your hard earned money to buy something that is pure evil. Later when your health deteriorates, you invest even more funds to regain your health. 

What this does is, that it takes away your hard-earned money. The funds could have been utilized for so many better and more meaningful things.


Puts your near and dear ones around you at risk:

   Why should you quit smoking?

When you smoke, those around you also suffer. This is known as 'passive smoking'. Your loved ones will have to pay the price for your negligence. It has been observed that the children get allergic to the toxic smoke, but they can do little other than suffer in silence. It is your responsibility to understand what is right and act!


The next generation inadvertently picks up the ill-habit:

  How to quit tobacco?

It is very common for the children to pick up the ill-habit of smoking from their parents. Tobacco in any form is dangerous. Children look up to their parents and if the parents are addicted to smoking the children easily acquire this habit.

The reverse is also true by the way.

If you successfully quit smoking, you can easily inspire others to stay away from this lethal habit. 



Deteriorates your health:

World No Tobacco Day

This is 100% inevitable if you smoke or consume tobacco in any form! 

What is really perplexing is that the cigarette packets do come with a statutory warning: "Smoking is injurious to health" on top of that there is even an image of someone who is going through hell, and yet there is a need to spread awareness via such blog posts! 

I call these guys - 'educated illiterates'!

The following are the hazards of tobacco consumption:

Effects of tobacco on the body!

How to quit smoking? How to stop consumption of tobacco?

"Consult your doctor today!!"

1. Nicotine replacement  therapy - There are many products available in the market that help you get rid of the addiction. You should consider them after a consultation with your doctor.

      2. Behavioural treatment - This happens at three levels - 

               a) Psycho-education
               b) Aversion therapy
               c) Social support

Beware of how your mind fools you - 

If you think that you will gradually reduce the intake of your cigarettes/beedis, your mind is playing tricks with you.

Here is the secret....

World No Tobacco Day!

 Imagine you used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day. Now you decide to bring the number down to 5. You may take this as development. 

It is NOT.

Your brain is smarter. While smoking those 5 cigarettes you apply double the pressure to make the most out of those 5 cigarettes. Thus with those 5 cigarettes you cause the same damage as 10 cigarettes a day. 

I hope you got it. 

 The way to quit smoking is to make it ZERO. That's it!

 The conclusion:

Stop making excuses and quit today! Tobacco is extremely hazardous for you, and your family. Consult your doctor and seek their guidance and yes, you can thank me later for this!

Hope you liked this article written on the occasion of 'WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY'.

This article covered:

  1. What tobacco does for you? 
  2. How to stay away from the addiction?
  3. Hazards of tobacco.
  4. How does tobacco damage your body?
  5. How to quit smoking?

 Do leave your feedback and comments!



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