Sunday, May 24, 2020

Positive thoughts for a motivated life! - Inspirational thought - The diamond paradigm!

 The best inspirational life thought - 


A great idea for inspiration in everyday life! 

                Greatest motivational tip  

 The diamond paradigm!

       Motivational diamond paradigm

Are you looking for an ultimate, best illustration for motivational talking or speech? Are you searching for an inspiring example that can transform your life?
You are at the right place! 

A powerful idea that is based on one of the best life thoughts.

Let's begin....

There are many examples of positive attitude, but the one I'm going to share with you is simply one of the most powerful and inspirational. 

There are so many beautiful life quotes such as - 

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going"
Life is never always the same. It is full of ups and downs. It is more like a roller-coaster ride.
When we are sad and we are surrounded with hardships, and the situations are grim, this illustration will serve you well. So, just remember this.

I've used it a lot in my sessions, and discussions with students with great effect and impact. This is a powerful thought and can transform your life, and help your juniors overcome fears, and apprehensions, doubts, etc.

Do you think it right for us to complain all the time to God, "Why? Why me?"

                              inspiration in sadness

Certainly NOT!

 Surely there is a better way to think.

 I would go ahead and say that challenges are important in life. Imagine a life without challenges. 

How will we bring about the self-development?
How can we realize our true potential?

You must have heard of the famous line - 

     "A calm sea never made a skillful mariner!"

                                    face the challenge         

A mariner has to face bad weather, battle storms, etc. Post all this the mariner transforms into a skillful mariner. He can then boast of his experience. But first he must endure the hardships.

A diamond is an excellent motivational, inspirational example!


 Well, have you seen a diamond in its raw form? At that stage, is it in the same form as we find it at the jewellers'? 


So what are the steps involved in its transformation?

       diamond mine
  1. Mining is carried out and the huge boulders are broken. 
  2. Such a boulder is taken to the surface where the excess rocky part and dirt is removed so that the experts can assess the quality and the size clearly.
  3. At this stage it has a look of a dull glass....nothing more! (you will not pay much for that!)
  4. They are cut as per the requirements.
  5. Finally comes the polishing part. Here the cut diamonds are subjected to intense friction. Ask any diamond expert and they will tell you - 
     "...without the polishing phase, a diamond would remain dull."



  The diamond was originally selected in its raw form since it had the potential to become a brilliant sparkling gem that had potential value!

Similarly, when we face tough times, please tell yourself that it is His way of transforming you into a diamond. 

Remember what the diamond merchant said about the polishing phase above?

If we complain to God every now and then - it would mean as if we are in a subtle way telling God that we wish to remain a dull and a worthless thing. 

Only if we endure the friction, and the cutting will be turn into a diamond! A precious diamond.... a thing of beauty- a joy for ever!

       Inspiring change

 I hope that you all have understood "the diamond paradigm". 

The next time you confront a tough situation, DO NOT GRUMBLE

Here are a few powerful, motivational, and inspiring thoughts - 

  1. Life is never the same.
  2. A calm sea never made a skillful mariner.
  3. Without polishing, a diamond would remain dull.
  4. Only if we endure the friction (face tough situations) will we transform into a diamond!

Watch the inspirational video I created for narrating the motivational diamond paradigm - 



   I expect that the next time you confront a tough situation or a challenge, you will respond positively!

Do leave your comments, your experiences and your feedback!


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