What are the benefits of chess?
How does chess benefit us?

What does chess teach us?
Lesson one:

"After the game, the King and the pawns go in the same box!"
A pawn is a pawn- the King is the King ONLY until the game is in progress. After the game that distinction is lost. Even in our life it is the same. Our posts, designations hold value as long as we are alive. So a CEO of an organisation and a sweeper might be next to each other in a graveyard. The bigger lesson to derive here, is that we must not be excessively proud of our achievements. In fact we must believe that there are bigger things to achieve.
Thus treat everyone with due and deserved respect, and be a good human being first!
Lesson two:

"To achieve bigger things, you often have to make sacrifices!"
In chess, the ultimate objective is to achieve checkmate. To do this often a player has to give up one of his pieces even the queen sometimes.
Similarly in life as well if we wish to achieve something big, we will have to make sacrifices.
For instance: A fitness trainer will always stay away from ill habits such as smoking, consuming junk food, etc. This is known as sacrificing things of smaller interests for achieving things with a bigger interest.
Lesson three:

"Be persistent - A pawn gets promoted to a queen if it reaches the eighth rank!"

Be determined - that is the key to success! If the pawn manages to work its way to the eighth rank, it gets promoted to a queen!
In life as well, if we show persistence, we will achieve greater heights. Do NOT let some minor set-backs affect you, or unsettle you. Have the faith that at the end of the journey we will obtain tremendous success. (fame, money, etc whatever the goal is!)
Lesson four:

"It takes just one blunder/mistake to ruin all the great work!"

In life it takes years and years to build a repute, or create an impression, or develop a meaningful relationship. It takes just one misunderstanding, a minor dispute to annihilate that and sabotage everything created over years of hard work. And once that happens things are difficult to mend. It is like a mirror- that crack always remains visible.
This is exactly what happens in a game of chess. If the player is careless, a winning position can change into a lost position. Let me share a big chess secret with you. Do you know what is the most difficult thing to do in chess? Winning the game from a winning position. The execution till the end matters!
Lesson five:

"Think before you commit! In life and chess; there are no take-backs!"
Think- Use your time BEFORE you make a commitment. In chess (not talking about your casual games with friends) there are no take-backs. The rule is "Touch to move". I am sure you have heard about this rule.
In life as well, we must think coolly over matters that are significant especially that will affect us in the long run. Spoken words can NEVER be taken back. So think prudently and act accordingly.
Having said that, you cannot think forever. In chess too, there is a fixed thinking time. That is why the time-management is so pivotal.
Do not act and think - think and act!
Lesson six:

"Show great strength even in difficult times!"
Every chess player is naturally good at this. During a game of chess if a player makes a blunder, the countenance of the player will NEVER reveal that the last move was a blunder. The player will continue to act like he/she has made a world-class move!
Similarly in life when the going gets tough, we must show great character, and not sit down crying and grumbling. You must try to do your best to come out of the situation and become resourceful yourself.
Thus if you are someone with responsibility your juniors look up to you, and you must display strength and character.
Your juniors should NEVER look at you with sympathy!
Lesson seven:

"Have a definite plan - A life without a goal is like a ship without a radar!"
Imagine there is a football match and the players are extremely talented. However there are no goal posts. Imagine the sight!
They simply go from one end to the other, and then back again. There is no goal!
In chess as well, a player needs to have a plan of attack. Needs clear objectives.
In a game where a Grand-master (GM) is playing against an amateur you will find that the basic difference between their games is that the GM moves with a definite plan while the amateur moves pieces because it is their move!
Lesson eight:

"Display sportsmanship! Before and after the game there is always a shake of hands!"
In chess, a formal shake of hands is obligatory. The rivalry is over the board. In life as well, we must show sportsmanship- a large heart! We must accept that if your opponent has played better than you, he/she deserves to win!
Similarly at your workplace, if some employee has done a great job the promotion must be granted! Do not be jealous. Be generous at heart. Show strength in accepting the occasional defeat, set-back.
Whenever you read about some good news, promotion, success, great result, etc. go ahead and congratulate and be a part of the celebration.
The hands that never clap for others will NEVER hold a trophy!
Lesson nine:

"Never underestimate anyone! Victory belongs to those who focus better!"
In chess, it will be a very big mistake if you see a kid wanting to challenge, and the over confidence seeps into the system. The kid might just teach you a lesson of a lifetime! Treat people with respect. Treat every move on its merits.
Be humble. Be a learner. GM Vishwanathan Anand is a great example of this. He has been in the field of chess for so many years now, but still is on good terms with most players.
More importantly if you are such an individual, people would be attracted to you in order to learn more from you!
The ultimate lesson:
"Keep improving - Be open to new ideas - Change is the only constant!"
Don't be adamant. Be flexible. Be open to new ideas.
Keep in mind that the only constant thing in life is change.
Is it the same in chess?
YES. The lines and the ideas considered bad in the olden times are being brought into play after research.
Therefore welcome new ideas and think upon them. Do not dismiss them with any kind of prejudice and without proper thought.
Hope you enjoyed -
- The Top 10 motivational chess lessons for life
- How does chess benefit us?
- What does chess teach us?
- Chess and real life comparison.
Enjoy my video regarding the same!
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