Saturday, May 30, 2020

What tobacco does to your body? World No Tobacco Day! How to stay away from addictive tobacco?

What tobacco does to your body?

How to stay away from the addictive tobacco?

May 31 


           How to quit smoking

 Reasons why you should quit tobacco TODAY!

Before proceeding further, I would like to clarify that it is not just tobacco consumption in the form of smoking, that I am talking about. Make no mistake it is 'World No TOBACCO Day!'

Consumption of tobacco in any form is just as lethal as any other.

  1. Cigarette
  2. Beedi
  3. Cigar
  4. Hookah
  5. Sheesha
  6. Tobacco chewing
  7. Kreteks
  8. Snuffing
  9. Khainee
  10. E-Cigarettes (the latest killer!)


Tobacco is addictive:

      Effects of tobacco

 Tobacco contains Nicotine which is the prime addictive chemical. Nicotine increases the chemical 'dopamine' that makes you believe that you're happy and relaxed. But this is ONLY an illusion. 
In reality, you become addict and simply find it irresistible. As you continue, you bring your doom closer and closer.

According to information on Wikipedia, five million deaths occur due to smoking every year.


Tobacco is expensive and kills your dreams: 

Why should you quit tobacco?

Tobacco is expensive. Not just literally, but think about it. You spend your hard earned money to buy something that is pure evil. Later when your health deteriorates, you invest even more funds to regain your health. 

What this does is, that it takes away your hard-earned money. The funds could have been utilized for so many better and more meaningful things.


Puts your near and dear ones around you at risk:

   Why should you quit smoking?

When you smoke, those around you also suffer. This is known as 'passive smoking'. Your loved ones will have to pay the price for your negligence. It has been observed that the children get allergic to the toxic smoke, but they can do little other than suffer in silence. It is your responsibility to understand what is right and act!


The next generation inadvertently picks up the ill-habit:

  How to quit tobacco?

It is very common for the children to pick up the ill-habit of smoking from their parents. Tobacco in any form is dangerous. Children look up to their parents and if the parents are addicted to smoking the children easily acquire this habit.

The reverse is also true by the way.

If you successfully quit smoking, you can easily inspire others to stay away from this lethal habit. 



Deteriorates your health:

World No Tobacco Day

This is 100% inevitable if you smoke or consume tobacco in any form! 

What is really perplexing is that the cigarette packets do come with a statutory warning: "Smoking is injurious to health" on top of that there is even an image of someone who is going through hell, and yet there is a need to spread awareness via such blog posts! 

I call these guys - 'educated illiterates'!

The following are the hazards of tobacco consumption:

Effects of tobacco on the body!

How to quit smoking? How to stop consumption of tobacco?

"Consult your doctor today!!"

1. Nicotine replacement  therapy - There are many products available in the market that help you get rid of the addiction. You should consider them after a consultation with your doctor.

      2. Behavioural treatment - This happens at three levels - 

               a) Psycho-education
               b) Aversion therapy
               c) Social support

Beware of how your mind fools you - 

If you think that you will gradually reduce the intake of your cigarettes/beedis, your mind is playing tricks with you.

Here is the secret....

World No Tobacco Day!

 Imagine you used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day. Now you decide to bring the number down to 5. You may take this as development. 

It is NOT.

Your brain is smarter. While smoking those 5 cigarettes you apply double the pressure to make the most out of those 5 cigarettes. Thus with those 5 cigarettes you cause the same damage as 10 cigarettes a day. 

I hope you got it. 

 The way to quit smoking is to make it ZERO. That's it!

 The conclusion:

Stop making excuses and quit today! Tobacco is extremely hazardous for you, and your family. Consult your doctor and seek their guidance and yes, you can thank me later for this!

Hope you liked this article written on the occasion of 'WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY'.

This article covered:

  1. What tobacco does for you? 
  2. How to stay away from the addiction?
  3. Hazards of tobacco.
  4. How does tobacco damage your body?
  5. How to quit smoking?

 Do leave your feedback and comments!



Friday, May 29, 2020

How does chess benefit us? What does chess teach us? Top 10 motivational chess lessons for life!

What are the benefits of chess?

How does chess benefit us? 

 What can we learn from chess?

What does chess teach us?

Lesson one:

                                   How does chess benefit us?

"After the game, the King and the pawns go in the same box!"

 A pawn is a pawn- the King is the King ONLY until the game is in progress. After the game that distinction is lost. Even in our life it is the same. Our posts, designations hold value as long as we are alive. So a CEO of an organisation and a sweeper might be next to each other in a graveyard. The bigger lesson to derive here, is that we must not be excessively proud of our achievements. In fact we must believe that there are bigger things to achieve.

 Thus treat everyone with due and deserved respect, and be a good human being first!

Lesson two:

                                                       How chess improves our life?
 "To achieve bigger things, you often have to make sacrifices!"

 In chess, the ultimate objective is to achieve checkmate. To do this often a player has to give up one of his pieces even the queen sometimes. 

Similarly in life as well if we wish to achieve something big, we will have to make sacrifices. 

For instance: A fitness trainer will always stay away from ill habits such as smoking, consuming junk food, etc. This is known as sacrificing things of smaller interests for achieving things with a bigger interest.

Lesson three:

                                                     What does chess teach us?

"Be persistent - A pawn gets promoted to a queen if it reaches the eighth rank!"

       Is chess good?

Be determined - that is the key to success! If the pawn manages to work its way to the eighth rank, it gets promoted to a queen!

In life as well, if we show persistence, we will achieve greater heights. Do NOT let some minor set-backs affect you, or unsettle you. Have the faith that at the end of the journey we will obtain tremendous success. (fame, money, etc whatever the goal is!)

Lesson four

                                  Advantages of chess

"It takes just one blunder/mistake to ruin all the great work!"

How does chess motivate us?

 In life it takes years and years to build a repute, or create an impression, or develop a meaningful relationship. It takes just one misunderstanding, a minor dispute to annihilate that and sabotage everything created over years of hard work. And once that happens things are difficult to mend. It is like a mirror- that crack always remains visible.

This is exactly what happens in a game of chess. If the player is careless, a winning position can change into a lost position. Let me share a big chess secret with you. Do you know what is the most difficult thing to do in chess? Winning the game from a winning position. The execution till the end matters! 

Lesson five:

                                              advantages of playing chess

 "Think before you commit! In life and chess; there are no take-backs!"

Think- Use your time BEFORE you make a commitment. In chess (not talking about your casual games with friends) there are no take-backs. The rule is "Touch to move". I am sure you have heard about this rule.

In life as well, we must think coolly over matters that are significant especially that will affect us in the long run. Spoken words can NEVER be taken back. So think prudently and act accordingly.

Having said that, you cannot think forever. In chess too, there is a fixed thinking time. That is why the time-management is so pivotal. 

Do not act and think - think and act!

Lesson six: 

                                              Advantages of playing chess

 "Show great strength even in difficult times!"

Every chess player is naturally good at this. During a game of chess if a player makes a blunder, the countenance of the player will NEVER reveal that the last move was a blunder. The player will continue to act like he/she has made a world-class move!

 Similarly in life when the going gets tough, we must show great character, and not sit down crying and grumbling. You must try to do your best to come out of the situation and become resourceful yourself.

Thus if you are someone with responsibility your juniors look up to you, and you must display strength and character.

Your juniors should NEVER look at you with sympathy!

Lesson seven

                                                   What does chess teach us?
"Have a definite plan - A life without a goal is like a ship without a radar!"

Imagine there is a football match and the players are extremely talented. However there are no goal posts. Imagine the sight!

They simply go from one end to the other, and then back again. There is no goal!

In chess as well, a player needs to have a plan of attack. Needs clear objectives.

In a game where a Grand-master (GM) is playing against an amateur you will find that the basic difference between their games is that the GM moves with a definite plan while the amateur moves pieces because it is their move!

Lesson eight

                                                 best motivation from chess

"Display sportsmanship! Before and after the game there is always a shake of hands!"

In chess, a formal shake of hands is obligatory. The rivalry is over the board. In life as well, we must show sportsmanship- a large heart! We must accept that if your opponent has played better than you, he/she deserves to win! 
Similarly at your workplace, if some employee has done a great job the promotion must be granted! Do not be jealous. Be generous at heart. Show strength in accepting the occasional defeat, set-back. 
Whenever you read about some good news, promotion, success, great result, etc. go ahead and congratulate and be a part of the celebration. 

The hands that never clap for others will NEVER hold a trophy!

 Lesson nine:

                                                   How chess helps us?  

 "Never underestimate anyone! Victory belongs to those who focus better!"

In chess, it will be a very big mistake if you see a kid wanting to challenge, and the over confidence seeps into the system. The kid might just teach you a lesson of a lifetime! Treat people with respect. Treat every move on its merits. 

Be humble. Be a learner. GM Vishwanathan Anand is a great example of this. He has been in the field of chess for so many years now, but still is on good terms with most players. 

More importantly if you are such an individual, people would be attracted to you in order to learn more from you!

The ultimate lesson:

"Keep improving - Be open to new ideas - Change is the only constant!"

Don't be adamant. Be flexible. Be open to new ideas. 

Keep in mind that the only constant thing in life is change. 

Is it the same in chess? 

YES. The lines and the ideas considered bad in the olden times are being brought into play after research.

Therefore welcome new ideas and think upon them. Do not dismiss them with any kind of prejudice and without proper thought.

Hope you enjoyed -
  1.  The Top 10 motivational chess lessons for life
  2.  How does chess benefit us?
  3.  What does chess teach us?
  4.  Chess and real life comparison.

Enjoy my video regarding the same!

Do leave your comments and feedback!


Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to play the Sicilian Defence? - Taimanov Variation by our faculty Omkar Chakradeo Sir

  The Sicilian Defence

   Here is a video by our faculty at the Vaidya's Chess Hub (R) Mr. Omkar Chakradeo.

 It is about the Sicilian Taimanov variation (from the black's perpective)

Go ahead and enjoy the video.

Towards the end you have interesting positions (treat it as a challenge/homework) and leave comments.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to manage stress? Top Stress Management tips!

The importance of stress management and the most effective ways to remove stress!

                                        Best ways to remove stress

  "Stress can destroy much more than just our physical health. Too often it eats away at our hope, belief, and faith"
- Charles Glassman - M.D, The NY Center for Longevity and Wellness 

 How does stress work?

Imagine I ask you to hold a glass of water. Then, I ask you about the weight of the glass. You will, in all probability reply, that it is say around 300 grams. 

                                                                      The water glass
   Now, I ask you to hold the glass for 10-15 minutes. After some time you will surely feel the weight of the glass to be much more than before. You will feel it weighs a ton! Therefore the weight is relative.

 This is exactly how stress works.... 

Initially you may not feel it, but overtime it gains weight and at one point it becomes unbearable. This example beautifully explains why it is important to manage stress. We must never allow the stress to accumulate. Else one day it could go beyond tolerance. 

Does it affect only the grown ups?

 NO. Stress can be felt by all age groups. In fact, a research conducted by the American Psychological Association revealed the fact that everyone experiences stress. The question was "How much more?" OR "How much less?"

We live in this modern era, and stress has many ways to seep into our system.

What are the benefits of a stress-free life?
According to many clinical researches, the following are the benefits of a stress-free life:

  1. Increased life span
  2. Reduced depression
  3. Prevention of unnecessary energy drain
  4. Improved memory
  5. Increased attention span and focus

 Everyone should read the following top tips very carefully in order to lead a 'stress-free' life, and experience all the benefits mentioned above. 

    1. Diet and exercise:    

                              Exercise - keep stress away

         Exercise greatly keeps you cheerful, and rejuvenated. You should exercise for at least 20 - 30 minutes daily. Having a good diet adds to your fitness. Avoid junk food, and do not overeat. I am a teetotaller, but if you consume alcohol, keep the intake under check. Smoking is a big "NO". 

    2. Follow the principle of 'letting go':

                                 Principle of 'letting go'

         So often you can find yourself engaged in a completely unnecessary argument. Such as "Who is the best actor?" Or "What's the best way to celebrate your birthday?" etc. 

   Do not make everything an ego issue. Agree to disagree. Everyone has a right to have their own distinct opinion and this is totally normal. Do not try to prove your point on each occasion. 

   3. Meditation and Yoga: 

                                             Yoga helps to reduce stress

         "You cannot sing and whistle at the same time." 

             Which means that if you are in a state of relaxation, you cannot feel the stress. Yoga and deep breathing techniques are really a good way to bring peace of mind. You should  meditate for 10-15 minutes (depending on your practice and availability of time).
  4. Have a good talk:
                                   Talking helps in reducing stress
          Remember how the weight of the glass of water felt a ton due to passage of time? It is because you were holding that glass of water all the while. It is therefore strongly advised that you should talk to someone close to you. Your relative, your friend, anyone with whom you get along very well. During this discussion it is quite possible that you will yourself realize how silly some of your apprehensions are. So, open up and TALK!

   5Take good amount of sleep:

                                    Importance of sleep 

          Sleep ensures optimum recharging of your body. It is very vital for any individual to sleep for at least 7-8 hours. That is the average. Studies have revealed that your brain performs at a very high level when you get adequate sleep. 

   6Cut it at the source:
                                                    Plan things for success

          Sometimes, you know where your stress comes from. You know your habits.
 For instance, you often forget to pay your bills on time (before the due-date) and it brings more stress. Such things are easy to stop. Use the technology to set reminders and alerts. Use your cell phones or maintain a small pocket diary. By virtue of this habit, you will finish the important task on time (or maybe even before time). A proper plan will help you cut the stress at source- Planning is important.
Planning is so important that it is said - "Failing to plan is planning to fail"

    7Play games

                                  Stress management

          You should not underestimate such simple but effective measures. Play with your buddies. Spend time with children. You will notice their exciting world and draw motivation and happiness. You will realize that it is very easy to lead a simple, non-complicated life. After all there is a reason why they say -
                                                  "Child is the father of man!"

 How to mange stress during tough times such as the COVID-19?

                                                Stress management during COVID-19 

  Stress levels can be particularly high during such times. The main reason for that is over-thinking. Often stress is a result of thinking about the future. The future is uncertain, and that creates stress. Our mind becomes diabolical. I want you to affirm this line firmly in your minds - 

    "Half the things we worry about actually never happen!"

Life is never the same. You should tell yourself that nothing stays forever so this too shall pass. 

We live in an era where there is a constant information overload. What is alarming furthermore is that we insist that we should know everything about everything. 

No, we don't. 

The constant 'breaking news' and 'updates' can be overwhelming. I recommend you seriously do this experiment. 

                                    Media and stress

Spend your day as normal and at the end of the day take a pen and paper and jot down all the things that could have been kept out of your life. 

  1. What part of the news was completely irrelevant to your life? 
  2. How you spent almost 2-3 hours worrying about a forwarded message that your received only to learn that it was a fake message?
  3. How much control did you have about the grief, sadness shown on the television?
  4. Did you watch the negative news all the while or did you switch to comedy from time to time?
  5. Did you take out your stress on some loved one?
 Believe that things will get better. Have faith that everyone is trying to make the world a better place to live. Acquire warmth in the thought that there are doctors, police officers, pharmacists, scientists, etc. who are working up-to 18 hours every day to find the solution for the unprecedented situation.

In fact, it is during these times that you should take out time to realize true value of things. How you took simple, everyday things for granted. How important simple things are! In short, it's time for some self-reflection or introspection! 

                                        everyday life

Rediscover yourself! Rediscover yourself as a friend, as a family member, as a son/daughter, as a husband/wife, as a dad/mom. Pose questions to yourself as - "How can I adapt to this new world?" "How can I contribute?" "How can I be resourceful?" etc. 

We are fortunate that humans have been blessed with the unique ability to be creative and adapt to the changing situations. Yes, human beings are capable of that.

   We must accept the fact that the only thing constant in life is change!
      Most importantly you can try to help those who are in need. Ensure you feed those you can. Provide money if necessary. Take care of your juniors/employees. Support them.

                                       What should the students do during COVID-19

 How should the students deal with this unprecedented situation - COVID-19?

 The first thing is to understand and absorb the fact that this COVID-19 is an unprecedented crisis. Nothing of this ilk has happened ever! 

Now how should the students come to terms with it?

 The main thing is to divide the 24 hours into distinct slots! 

                  Use the time effectively

8 hours of sleep.
1 hour in exercise, meditation, yoga, getting ready (distributed across the day).
1 hour in dinner/lunch/breakfast time.
5 hours in education (online classes, your H.W).
2 hours of entertainment (TV, films, series, shows)
2 hours in learning a new skill (cooking, writing, languages, musical instruments)
1 hour in everyday chores/routine, or reaching out to people - going out for essential work, etc
2 hours on social networking (calling friends/relatives, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
2 hours in household help (utensils, brooming, washing clothes, watering the plants, etc.)

(The division mentioned above is a sample. You should make necessary changes)

Do not generalize what you should do with the entire day at your disposal.

  1. Have faith- the situation will change! The lock-down cannot last forever.
  2. Use the time at hand as a bonus to revise the topics you thought, you had no time for earlier.
  3. Acquire new skills. Learn a foreign language, study coding, a new musical instrument even!
  4. Spend time positively on the social media.
  5. Share notes with your friends if they missed their classes. 
  6. Improve your own worth by building vocabulary.
  7. Laugh! Watch humour. "Laughter is the best medicine".
  8. Plan the things you would do when the world eventually resumes its chores.
  9. Appreciate the people who were a part of your life and understand their value! The people, your friends, your teachers, etc.
  10. Appreciate the importance of freedom. The feeling of how it is to live under restrictions.
  11. Work on your fitness (at home)! Believe me, you have all the time in the world now.
 Lastly, keep in mind that - 

  "Yesterday is a goner so it is called history- Tomorrow is unknown so it is called a mystery- But today is a gift and so it is called present!"

 Hope this article added some value. Leave your comments, and tell us what technique/s you used to overcome or reduce your stress. If you had your own unique way, do share that as well.

Stay fit! Stay happy!



अभिप्रेरणा हेतु एक रोचक हिंदी कथा (A Hindi story for motivation)

बुद्धिमत्ता एवं प्रसंगावधानता का महत्व !


एक गाँव में एक वृद्ध पंडित, अपनी कन्यासमेत एक छोटे से गृह में निवास करता था। कन्या अतिसुंदर थी। उसकी आयु विवाहयोग्य हो गयी थी। दिन व्यतीत हो रहे थे। 
    किसी कारणवश पंडित को ऋण की आवश्यकता पड़ गयी। एक महाजन ने उसे इच्छित ऋण दिया। किन्तु वह दुष्ट था। उसे पूर्ण अनुमान था की पंडित समय पर ऋण का भुगतान नहीं करेगा। उसके पश्च्चात वह उसकी सुंदर कन्या से विवाह करने का प्रस्ताव रखेगा और पंडित को अनुमति देने पर विवश होना पड़ेगा।

घटित भी वहीं हुआ। दुष्ट महाजनने पंडित के समक्ष विवाह का प्रस्ताव रखा। पंडित की कन्या यह श्रवण कर दुखी हो गयीं। वह महाजन की दुष्टता से भलीभाँति परिचित थी।

महाजन ने दुखत प्रतिक्रिया देखकर कहा, "एक अन्य विकल्प हैं। गाँव के विद्वान लोगों को एक सभा में, नदी के किनारे आमंत्रित करते हैं। एक कुंभ  में दो पाषाण होंगे - एक काला, तथा एक श्वेत। बिना देखे, कन्या को एक पाषाण को बाहर निकालना होगा। यदि वह पाषाण काला निकला तो कन्या को मुझसे विवाह करना होगा। परंतु यदि उस कुंभ से श्वेत पाषाण निकला तो विवाह करने की आवश्यकता नहीं होगी अपितु मैं आपका ऋण भी क्षमा कर दूँगा।"

Presence of mind - stones      Pebble Series 4

पंडित की कन्या केवल सुंदर नहीं थी। वह बुद्धिमान भी थी। उसने महाजन का यह नविन प्रस्ताव स्वीकार किया।

तिथि निश्चित की गयी, और गाँव के विद्वान जन नदी के किनारे सभा में उपस्थित हो गए।

महाजन ने उसके स्वाभाव अनुसार दुष्टता की। उसने कुंभ में दोनों काले रंग के ही पाषाण रख दिए। पंडित की कन्याने यह दृश्य देखा और उसे ज्ञात हुआ की उसके साथ छल हो रहा है। यदि वह विद्वानों के समक्ष महाजन की सत्यता उजागर करती तो संभवतः महाजन उसका भविष्य में प्रतिशोध अवश्य ले लेता।

(अब वाचक स्वयं को उस कन्या के स्थान पर रखे और विचार करें ... आप क्या करते  ?)

पूर्ण विचार करने के उपरांत उसने एक उत्तम योजना रची।

जब उसने कुंभ से पाषाण निकाला, तो उसे तत्क्षण उसने फ़ेंक दिया (निक्षेपण किया)। वह स्थान नदी किनारे था इस कारण वहाँ पाषाण ही पाषाण थे।  यह किस पद्धति से प्रमाणित करना संभव था की कौनसा पाषाण निकला था ?

                                       Wet stones and beach

इस अवसर का पूर्ण लाभ उठाते हुए कन्या ने विद्वानों से कहा, "कोई क्लेश का कारण नहीं है - कुंभ में कौनसा पाषाण शेष है यह देखते है....

सब विद्वानों ने देखा की काला पाषाण शेष रह गया था !!

उन्होंने अंतिम निर्णय यह दिया की प्रथम श्वेत पाषाण का ही चुनाव हुवा होगा। अतः महाजन के वचन-अनुसार पंडित का ऋण क्षमा हो गया है एवं कन्या को भी महाजन से विवाहबद्ध होने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है।

तात्पर्य :

 बुद्धिमत्ता एवं प्रसंगावधानता हो, तो कठिन समय में भी विजय प्राप्त करना संभव होता है। 

                         Exercise, Female, Fitness, Girl, Health

[आशा करता हूँ की यह कथा, आप सभी को रोचक लगी।  यदि लेखन में कोई त्रुटि हो,तो क्षमा कर दें। ]

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Positive thoughts for a motivated life! - Inspirational thought - The diamond paradigm!

 The best inspirational life thought - 


A great idea for inspiration in everyday life! 

                Greatest motivational tip  

 The diamond paradigm!

       Motivational diamond paradigm

Are you looking for an ultimate, best illustration for motivational talking or speech? Are you searching for an inspiring example that can transform your life?
You are at the right place! 

A powerful idea that is based on one of the best life thoughts.

Let's begin....

There are many examples of positive attitude, but the one I'm going to share with you is simply one of the most powerful and inspirational. 

There are so many beautiful life quotes such as - 

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going"
Life is never always the same. It is full of ups and downs. It is more like a roller-coaster ride.
When we are sad and we are surrounded with hardships, and the situations are grim, this illustration will serve you well. So, just remember this.

I've used it a lot in my sessions, and discussions with students with great effect and impact. This is a powerful thought and can transform your life, and help your juniors overcome fears, and apprehensions, doubts, etc.

Do you think it right for us to complain all the time to God, "Why? Why me?"

                              inspiration in sadness

Certainly NOT!

 Surely there is a better way to think.

 I would go ahead and say that challenges are important in life. Imagine a life without challenges. 

How will we bring about the self-development?
How can we realize our true potential?

You must have heard of the famous line - 

     "A calm sea never made a skillful mariner!"

                                    face the challenge         

A mariner has to face bad weather, battle storms, etc. Post all this the mariner transforms into a skillful mariner. He can then boast of his experience. But first he must endure the hardships.

A diamond is an excellent motivational, inspirational example!


 Well, have you seen a diamond in its raw form? At that stage, is it in the same form as we find it at the jewellers'? 


So what are the steps involved in its transformation?

       diamond mine
  1. Mining is carried out and the huge boulders are broken. 
  2. Such a boulder is taken to the surface where the excess rocky part and dirt is removed so that the experts can assess the quality and the size clearly.
  3. At this stage it has a look of a dull glass....nothing more! (you will not pay much for that!)
  4. They are cut as per the requirements.
  5. Finally comes the polishing part. Here the cut diamonds are subjected to intense friction. Ask any diamond expert and they will tell you - 
     "...without the polishing phase, a diamond would remain dull."



  The diamond was originally selected in its raw form since it had the potential to become a brilliant sparkling gem that had potential value!

Similarly, when we face tough times, please tell yourself that it is His way of transforming you into a diamond. 

Remember what the diamond merchant said about the polishing phase above?

If we complain to God every now and then - it would mean as if we are in a subtle way telling God that we wish to remain a dull and a worthless thing. 

Only if we endure the friction, and the cutting will be turn into a diamond! A precious diamond.... a thing of beauty- a joy for ever!

       Inspiring change

 I hope that you all have understood "the diamond paradigm". 

The next time you confront a tough situation, DO NOT GRUMBLE

Here are a few powerful, motivational, and inspiring thoughts - 

  1. Life is never the same.
  2. A calm sea never made a skillful mariner.
  3. Without polishing, a diamond would remain dull.
  4. Only if we endure the friction (face tough situations) will we transform into a diamond!

Watch the inspirational video I created for narrating the motivational diamond paradigm - 



   I expect that the next time you confront a tough situation or a challenge, you will respond positively!

Do leave your comments, your experiences and your feedback!


How to write a formal letter?

How to write a formal letter?

Want to write a good formal letter? What is the correct, latest format? 

Formal letter writing by a student
Writing an effective formal letter is an art!

This post will cover the following very important details about writing a formal letter correctly (as per the latest format)

  1. The latest format for a formal letter writing
  2. Formal letter writing topics - two examples
  3. Writing or written samples regarding formal letters
  4. Types of formal letters
  5. Letter to the Principal, authorities, editor of a newspaper (Times of India)
  6. Formal letter writing latest format for schools
  7. Formal letter writing examples - with exercises (interesting way!)
  8. Where and how to leave proper lines and spaces
  9. Best practices for an ideal formal letter writing
  10. Perfect way to communicate in business or as a professional

There could be a lot of doubts in your mind especially about writing the date.


 Should I write it as:

  • 2/6/2020
  • June 2nd, 2020
  • 2nd June 2020
  • June 2, 2020

 All such doubts will get clarified after watching my video!  👇


 So, I'm sure that you will like this lecture on - "How to write a formal letter?"

 The second part of the video will provide a very good practice for attempting/solving the Language Study questions. (They are for 10 marks at the SSC level)

Do leave your comments.


Saturday, May 23, 2020

One minute English challenge! [Kitchen tools] [Part 5]

One minute English challenge! [Part # 4]

[Kitchen tools]



Leave your comments and feedback!

Hope you all enjoyed this One minute English challenge # 4

This video is on my YouTube channel - English grammar with Ameya Sir

One minute English challenge # 3

Hi all!

 Here is the Part - 3 of the 'One minute English challenge series'.

   Attempt it and leave your score!
